Monday, May 5, 2014

A Small Aside

It's been a hectic day. I feel like I've spent the whole day in the car driving from one errand to the next. On the way home from getting my 5-year-old's glasses fixed for the second time today we stopped at a light where a man was panhandling.

His sign said Homeless and Hungry please help. Since we'd been in the car for lunch my 3-year old's cheeseburger was still there, completely untouched. I rolled down the window, gave it to the man, and told him I was sorry I didn't have any money. He took the cheeseburger, told me thank you, and went back to the side of the road.

The rest of the 15 minute car ride home my 5-year-old was asking me questions about the man. Why is he hungry? Where is his car? Is he our friend now? It was such a great opportunity to talk to him about giving what we can, when we can.

It wasn't difficult to do. There was no planning or preparation on my part at all. All I had to do was stick my arm out my car window and give. Simple. Yet my son learned so much from that brief  moment. I'm going to keep looking for moments like those. Even on hectic days.

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